his, her, hers, its
Part of speech
Usages of onun
Çocuklar onun.
The children are hers.
(onun) ablaları
her elder sisters
(Onun) pahalı (bir) saati var.
He has an expensive watch.
(Onun) güzel (bir) çantası var.
She has a beautiful bagÇ.
(Onun) bir güzel çantası var.
She has one beautiful bagÇ.
Lamba (onun) arabasında.
The lamp is in his car.
Cadı süpürgesinde uçuyor.
The witch is flying on her broom.
(Onun) çocuklarından korkuyorum.
I am afraid of her children.
(Onun) masasına koyun lütfen.
Put it on his table please.
Onun dört kedisi bahçede.
His four cats are in the garden.
Üç köpeğini satıyor.
He is selling his three dogs.
(Onun) arabası yok.
She doesn't have a car.
with him; with her; with it
(Onun) ismi ne?
What is her nameİ?
Onun yarası üç gün sonra ağrıyabilir.
Her wound may hurt three days later.
Onun mesleği bizimkinden daha kolay.
Her profession is easier than ours.
Onun günahı çoktur kesin, Kamil'e güvenme.
His sins are many(probably) for sure, don't trust Kamil.
Turkish may come off as an odd language from time to time. Because it is.
We use words like "kesin" (certainly) even though the sentence is about probabilities. We like to be absolute about stuff I guess.
onun hakkında
about him/her, regarding him/her
onun için
for him/her
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