
there is not, there are not
Part of speech

Usages of yok

Çay yok.
There is no tea.
(Bir) kedi yok.
There is no cat.
Kedi(ler) yok.
There are no cats.
Kahve yok mu?
Is there no coffee?
Kahve yok, ama çay var.
There is no coffee, but there is tea.
Kahve yok, fakat çay var.
There is no coffee, but there is tea.
Çay var mı? - Yok.
Is there tea?
- There is not.
Kahve yok mu? - Var.
Is there no coffee?
- There is.
Bende para yok.
I have no money.
(Benim) param yok.
I have no money.
Hiç kedi yok.
There is not any cat at all.
Hiçbir kedi yok.
There is not a single cat.
(Benim) vaktim yok.
I don't have time.
(Onun) arabası yok.
She doesn't have a car.
Yemek istiyorum çünkü açım, ama yemek yok.
I want to eat because I'm hungry, but there is no food.
Yok artık!
No way!
Ne yazık ki kanserin tedavisi hala yok.
Unfortunately there is still no cure for cancer.
Arabada benzin yokmuş.
There is no gas in the car.APPARENTLY
Annenin babanla bir problemi yokmuş.
Your mother does not have a problem with your father. APPARENTLY
yok etmek
to destroy, annihilate, wipe off [Lit.] to make non-existent
Söylemenize gerek yok.
There is no need for you to say. [Lit.] Your saying is not needed.
Finansal kriz üzerine tartışmanın anlamı yok.
It's meaningless to discuss about the financial crisis.
Yanaklarında ve çenesinde sakal yok.
He has no beard on his cheeks and chin.
Onların bahçesinde kavun veya karpuz yok.
In their garden there is no melon or watermelon.
Çenem var dilim yok.
I have a chin, I don't have a tongue.
Bu tarlada hiç patates ve havuç yok.
There are no potatoes and carrots on this farm.
Köpeklerin şeyi yok muydu?
Didn't the dogs have a thingie?
Kuralları hakem koyacaksa sorun yok.
If the referee is going to set the rules, (then) there is no problem.
Bu malzemelerden biri yoksa pasta yapamayız.
[Lit.] If there isn't one of these ingredients, we can't make a cake.
Paranız yoksa tatile gidemezsiniz.
If you don't have money, you can't go on a vacation.
Yeşil gömleğinde mürekkep lekesi yoksa giyebilirsin.
If there is no ink stain on your green shirt, you can wear it.
Para bende yok.
I don't have the money.
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