Question | Answer |
idiot, retard [Lit. brainless] | beyinsiz |
rag, sackcloth | çul |
penniless, poor, broke | çulsuz |
Kamil is a retarded and broke man. | Kamil beyinsiz ve çulsuz bir adam. |
pocketless | cepsiz |
wire, string, cord | tel |
walkie-talkie | telsiz |
cable | kablo |
cableless | kablosuz |
Wi-Fi, cableless internet | kablosuz internet |
In our time, wi-fi was very expensive. | Bizim zamanımızda kablosuz internet çok pahalıydı. |
life, spirit, vitality, soul | can |
alive, living | canlı |
dead or inanimate [Lit. lifeless] | cansız |
balance, equilibrium | denge |
erratic, wavy, unbalanced, out-of-balance | dengesiz |
My little cousin is a very erratic child. | Küçük kuzenim çok dengesiz bir çocuk. |
mate, partner, spouse, counterpart | eş |
unique, unequalled, peerless, unmatched | eşsiz |
performance | performans |
reward, award, prize | ödül |
Meryl Streep again won an award with her unequalled performance. | Eşsiz performansıyla Meryl Streep yine bir ödül kazandı. |
free of charge, gratuitous | parasız |
without you | sensiz |
behind, rear, backDIRECTION | geri |
to come back | geri dönmek |
I cannot live without you Tülay, please come back. | Sensiz yaşayamam Tülay, lütfen geri dön. |
[Lit. bloodless] cruel or coward | kansız |
sound, voicein the context of letters | ün |
vowel | ünlü |
consonant | ünsüz |
without youPLURAL | sizsiz |
I won't go to that concert without you guys. | Sizsiz gitmem ben o konsere. |
grade | not |
without grades | notsuz |
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