Turkish 170 - Subordinating suffixes: -(y)İp

I went to the market and bought cigarettes.Markete gidip sigara aldım.
side, edge, border, marginkenar
seaside, coast, shoredeniz kenarı
Let's get up early in the morning and go to the seaside.Sabah erken kalkıp deniz kenarına gidelim.
to make (someone) flee, to let escapekaçırmak
Your threats cannot scare us and make us flee.Tehditleriniz bizi korkutup kaçıramaz.
(Apparently) Kamil read the book and didn't understand it.Kamil kitabı okuyup anlamamış.
Shall we make love and then sleep?Sevişip sonra uyuyalım mı?
to go out shopping, to go shoppingalışverişe çıkmak
to withdraw cashFROM AN ATMpara çekmek
We'll withdraw some cash and go out shopping.Biraz para çekip alışverişe çıkacağız.
