Sayesinde and yüzünden

In Turkish we have two words, sayesinde and yüzünden that attribute causality (similar to 'due to', 'because of' but they are used in different circumstances. Sayesinde is used for giving credit to someone or something for a positive thing. Yüzünden on the other hand is mostly used for blaming, or attributing the cause of an event that turned out in a negative way. Let's see:

I passed my exam thanks to you!Senin sayende sınavımı geçtim!
I failed my exam because of you!Senin yüzünden sınavımdan kaldım!

Beneath you can see the way in which these verbs conjugate:

First personBenim sayemde Bizim sayemizde
Second personSenin sayendeSizin sayenizde
Third personOnun/Kamil/Arkadaşım sayesindeOnların/Onlar1 sayesinde
First personBenim yüzümden Bizim yüzümüzden
Second personSenin yüzündenSizin yüzünüzden
Third personOnun/Kamil/Arkadaşım yüzündenOnların/Onlar1 yüzünden

1 Note how third person plural can drop its genitive suffix, just as when we conjugate hakkında.

As you can see they conjugate fairly regularly. The critical point is to decide which one to use in a given sentence, and that depends on the context; if the situation has positive connotations, then you use sayende, if the situation has bad connotations you use yüzünden.
