Question | Answer |
to; at | a |
about to leave | a punto de salir |
to open | abrir |
goodbye, bye | adiós |
now | ahora |
therenearby | ahí |
something, anything | algo |
someone, somebody; anyone, anybody | alguien |
some, some of it | alguno |
some, some of them | algunos |
therefar away | allá |
therefarther away | allí |
around, round | alrededor |
yellow | amarillo |
orange | anaranjado |
before; in the face of | ante |
to learn | aprender |
that … over there; that one over there | aquello |
here | aquí |
Argentina | Argentina |
though, even though, although | aunque |
yesterday | ayer |
blue | azul |
to dance | bailar |
under, beneath | bajo |
to drink | beber |
well; fine | bien |
white | blanco |
drunk | borracho |
Good evening.; Good night. | Buenas noches. |
Good afternoon.; Good evening. | Buenas tardes. |
good | bueno |
Buenos Aires | Buenos Aires |
Good morning. | Buenos días. |
to search, to look for | buscar |
hot | caliente |
to walk | caminar |
fourteen | catorce |
zero | cero |
one hundred | cien |
certain; sure; true | cierto |
five | cinco |
fifty | cincuenta |
to cook | cocinar |
to eat | comer |
like, as; since | como |
to share | compartir |
to buy | comprar |
with | con |
to connect | conectar |
to get; to obtain, to achieve | conseguir |
content, pleased, satisfies, happy, glad | contento |
against | contra |
short | corto |
to believe | creer |
when | cuando |
forty | cuarenta |
four | cuatro |
four hundred | cuatrocientos |
from; of | de |
again | de nuevo |
should, ought to, must | deber |
to say; to tell | decir |
from; since | desde |
nineteen | diecinueve |
eighteen | dieciocho |
seventeen | diecisiete |
sixteen | dieciséis |
ten | diez |
difficult | difícil |
twelve | doce |
golden | dorado |
two | dos |
two hundred | doscientos |
the lawyer | el abogado Female: la abogado / la abogada |
the coat, the overcoat | el abrigo |
the grandfather; the grandparent | el abuelo |
the actor | el actor |
the water | el agua Agua is feminine but takes el as it's definite article because it starts with a stressed a sound. |
the air | el aire |
the second lieutenant | el alférez |
the lunch | el almuerzo |
the friend | el amigo |
the animal | el animal |
the analysis | el análisis |
the rice | el arroz |
the artist | el artista |
the author; the writer | el autor |
the bird | el ave Ave is feminine but takes el as definite article because it starts with a stressed a. |
the plane | el avión |
the year | el año |
the barman (Spain) | el barman |
the baby | el bebé |
the mustache | el bigote |
the handbag | el bolso |
the drunkard | el borracho |
the forest | el bosque |
the button | el botón |
the arm | el brazo |
the horse, the stallionmale horse | el caballo |
the hair | el cabello Cabello only refers to hair on your head, whereas pelo can refer to any kind of hair. |
the coffee | el café |
the sock | el calcetín |
the case | el caso |
the pig | el cerdo |
the brain | el cerebro |
the boy | el chico |
the belt | el cinturón |
the customer | el cliente Female: la cliente / la clienta |
the elbow | el codo |
the color | el color |
the heart | el corazón |
the skull | el cráneo |
the neck | el cuello |
the body | el cuerpo |
the car | el coche |
the spouse | el cónyuge |
the finger; the toe | el dedo |
the breakfast | el desayuno |
the tooth | el diente |
the diploma | el diploma |
the director, the manager | el director |
Sunday | el domingo |
the owner, the landlord | el dueño |
the day | el día |
the dollar | el dólar |
the employee, the worker | el empleado |
the representative | el enlace |
the writer | el escritor |
the skeleton | el esqueleto |
the student | el estudiante |
the stomach | el estómago |
the euro | el euro |
the exam, the examination | el examen |
the fax | el fax |
the end | el fin |
the weekend | el fin de semana |
the rooster | el gallo |
the livestockanimals for commercial use | el ganado |
the cat | el gato |
the glove | el guante |
the taste; the liking; the pleasure | el gusto |
the hunger | el hambre Hambre is feminine, but takes el as article because it starts with a stressed a sound. |
the brother; the sibling | el hermano |
the ice | el hielo |
the son; the child | el hijo |
the man | el hombre |
the shoulder | el hombro |
the bone | el hueso |
the egg | el huevo |
the human | el humano |
the guest | el huésped |
the liver | el hígado |
the computer scientist | el informático |
the intestine | el intestino |
the interpreter | el intérprete |
the iris | el iris |
the garden | el jardín |
the chief, the boss; the manager | el jefe |
the young man | el joven |
Thursday | el jueves |
the judge | el juez |
the juice | el jugo |
the lip | el labio |
the lion | el león |
the book | el libro |
the place | el lugar |
Monday | el lunes |
the pencil | el lápiz |
the political leader | el líder |
the cloak, the mantle | el manto |
the sea | el mar |
Tuesday | el martes |
the middle; the means | el medio |
noon, midday | el mediodía |
the month | el mes |
the minister | el ministro |
the minute | el minuto |
Wednesday | el miércoles |
the moment | el momento |
the monk | el monje |
the monkey | el mono |
the mosquito | el mosquito |
the world | el mundo |
the thigh | el muslo |
the martyr | el mártir |
the muscle | el músculo |
the nerve | el nervio |
the boy, the kid, the child | el niño |
the name | el nombre |
the boyfriend | el novio |
the number | el número |
the eye | el ojo |
the (inner) ear; the hearing | el oído |
the father | el padre |
the bread | el pan |
the pants | el pantalón |
the dad | el papá |
the country | el país |
the (human) chest | el pecho |
the danger | el peligro |
the hair | el pelo |
the newspaper | el periódico |
the dog | el perro |
the fishintended for food | el pescado |
the fish | el pez |
the (human) foot | el pie |
the poet | el poeta |
the chicken | el pollo |
the politician | el político |
the cousin | el primo |
the problem | el problema |
the teacher; the professor | el profesor |
the village, the town; the people | el pueblo |
the thumb | el pulgar |
the lung | el pulmón |
the point; the dot; the spot | el punto |
the fist | el puño |
the bird | el pájaro Whereas ave refers to all birds, pájaro only refers to small species of birds. So doves and parrots are both aves and pájaros, and eagles and ostriches are aves too, but they are not pájaros. |
the pancreas | el páncreas |
the cheese | el queso |
the hostage | el rehén |
the respectesteem, consideration | el respeto |
the result, the outcome | el resultado |
the kidney | el riñón |
the river | el río |
the tailor | el sastre |
the second | el segundo |
the breast, the bosom | el seno |
the being | el ser |
the human being | el ser humano |
the nephew | el sobrino |
the partner (associate); the member | el socio |
the hat | el sombrero |
the sweater | el suéter |
Saturday | el sábado |
the theater | el teatro |
the tendon | el tendón |
the timeDuration | el tiempo |
the tiger | el tigre |
the ankle | el tobillo |
the thorax | el torax Thorax is just a fancy word for chest. |
the bull | el toro |
the suit; the costume | el traje |
the train | el tren |
the tea | el té |
the uncle | el tío |
the dress | el vestido |
Friday | el viernes |
the wine | el vino |
the shoe | el zapato |
the fox | el zorro |
the doctor, the physician; the Ph. D. | el doctor |
the husband; the spouse | el esposo |
the teacher | el maestro |
the husband | el marido |
the fear | el miedo |
the doctor, the physician | el médico |
the policeman | el policía |
the belly, the abdomen | el vientre |
the uterus, the womb | el útero |
she | ella |
theyFEM | ellas |
they | ellos |
in, on, at | en |
in such a case | en tal caso |
between; among, amongst | entre |
to write | escribir |
that; that one | eso |
Spanish | español |
tonight | esta noche |
to be | estar |
this; this one | esto |
to study | estudiar |
except, except for | excepto |
ugly | feo |
FrenchFEM | francesa |
French | francés |
to spin; to turn; to rotate, to revolve | girar |
thank you, thanks | gracias |
large, big | grande |
grey | gris |
to speak, to talk | hablar |
to do, to make | hacer |
toward, towards | hacia |
hungry | hambriento |
until, till | hasta |
there is; there are | hay |
femaleanimal | hembra |
hello, hi | hola |
today | hoy |
human | humano |
English | inglés |
to go | ir |
young | joven |
the grandmother | la abuela |
the actress | la actriz |
the female second lieutenant | la alférez |
the friendFEM | la amiga |
the artery | la arteria |
the artistFEM | la artista |
the author; the writerFEM | la autora |
the beard | la barba |
the barmaid (Spain) | la barman |
the babyFEM | la bebé |
the bicycle | la bicicleta |
the blouse | la blusa |
the mouth | la boca |
the bag, the sack | la bolsa |
the drunkardFEM | la borracha |
the boot | la bota |
the head | la cabeza |
the hip | la cadera |
the street | la calle |
the shirt | la camisa |
the T-shirt | la camiseta |
the face | la cara |
the meat | la carne |
the house | la casa |
the eyebrow | la ceja |
the dinner | la cena |
the sow, the pigFEM | la cerda |
the beer | la cerveza |
the jacket | la chaqueta |
the girl | la chica |
the waist | la cintura |
the city | la ciudad |
the food | la comida |
the computer | la computadora |
the tie | la corbata |
the thing | la cosa |
the crisis | la crisis |
the check, the bill | la cuenta |
the female spouse | la cónyuge |
the director, the managerFEM | la directora |
the owner, the landlordFEM | la dueña |
the employee, the workerFEM | la empleada |
the female representative | la enlace |
the writerFEM | la escritora |
the school | la escuela |
the (human) back | la espalda |
the wife | la esposa |
the studentFEM | la estudiante |
the skirt | la falda |
the family | la familia |
the party; the holiday | la fiesta |
the hen | la gallina |
the throat | la garganta |
the catFEM | la gata |
the people | la gente |
the war | la guerra |
the sister | la hermana |
the daughter | la hija |
the hour | la hora |
the female guest | la huésped |
the female guest | la huéspeda |
the female computer scientist | la informática |
computing | la informática |
the female interpreter | la intérprete |
the island | la isla |
the chief, the boss; the managerFEM | la jefa |
the young woman | la joven |
the female judge | la juez |
the female judge | la jueza |
the milk | la leche |
the tongue; the language | la lengua |
the lionFEM | la leona |
the female political leader | la lideresa |
the moon | la luna |
the shame, the pity | la lástima |
the female political leader | la líder |
the line | la línea |
the mother | la madre |
the mom | la mamá |
the jaw | la mandíbula |
the sleeve | la manga |
the hand | la mano |
the apple | la manzana |
the morning | la mañana |
the cheek | la mejilla |
the table | la mesa |
the female minister | la ministra |
the monkeyFEM | la mona |
the nun | la monja |
the fly | la mosca |
the woman | la mujer |
the female martyr | la mártir |
the buttock | la nalga |
the (human) nose | la nariz |
the girl | la niña |
the night; the evening | la noche |
the girlfriend | la novia |
the napethe back of the neck | la nuca |
the (outer) ear | la oreja |
the paella | la paella |
the word | la palabra |
the potatoSouth America | la papa |
the pasta | la pasta |
the potatoSpain | la patata |
the fatherland | la patria |
the dogFEM | la perra |
the person | la persona |
the eyelash | la pestaña |
the skin; the fur; the hide; the leather | la piel |
the (human) leg | la pierna |
the pepperspice | la pimienta |
the pizza | la pizza |
the female poet | la poeta |
the politics, the policy | la política |
the female politician | la política |
politics | la política |
the question | la pregunta |
the garmentpiece of clothing | la prenda |
the cousinFEM | la prima |
the female prime minister | la primer ministro |
the female prime minister | la primera ministra |
the first female minister | la primera ministra |
the profession, the occupation | la profesión |
the teacher; the professorFEM | la profesora |
the door, the gate | la puerta |
the pupil (of the eye) | la pupila |
the female hostage | la rehén |
the relationship | la relación |
the retina | la retina |
the knee | la rodilla |
the clothing, the clothes | la ropa |
the female priest | la sacerdote |
the salt | la sal |
the blood | la sangre |
the bad-tempered, fierce woman | la sargenta |
the female tailor | la sastra |
the week | la semana |
the niece | la sobrina |
the female partner (associate); the female member | la socia |
the soup | la sopa |
the afternoon; the evening | la tarde |
the television | la televisión |
the Earth | la Tierra |
the land; the ground; the earth | la tierra |
the female tiger | la tigre |
the female tiger | la tigresa |
the aunt | la tía |
the fingernail; the toenail | la uña |
the cow | la vaca |
the vein | la vena |
the truth | la verdad |
the timeinstance | la vez |
the life | la vida |
the marefemale horse | la yegua |
the vixen | la zorra |
the letter | la carta |
the company | la compañia |
the doctor, the physician; the Ph. D.FEM | la doctora |
the teacherFEM | la maestra |
the doctorFEM | la médica |
the wall | la pared |
the policewoman | la policía |
long | largo |
the entrails, the bowels | las entrañas |
to read | leer |
to arrive | llegar |
to take; to carry; to wearclothes | llevar |
itthe thing, the part, the concept or idea | lo |
crazy | loco |
the parents | los padres |
maleanimal | macho |
Madrid | Madrid |
brown | marrón |
tomorrow | mañana |
by means of | mediante |
half; middle; mean, average | medio |
my | mi |
My house is your house.Make yourself at home | Mi casa es tu casa. |
while | mientras |
to look; to look at | mirar |
same | mismo |
purple | morado |
brownhair color | moreno |
a lot of; much; many | mucho |
Nice to meet you. | Mucho gusto. |
dead | muerto |
very | muy |
more | más |
Mexico | México |
mine | mío |
nothing, anything, none | nada |
no one, nobody, anyone, anybody | nadie |
orange | naranja |
to need, to require | necesitar |
black | negro |
nervous | nervioso |
none, none of them | ninguno |
no; not | no |
weFEM | nosotras |
we | nosotros |
nine hundred | novecientos |
ninety | noventa |
our | nuestro |
ours | nuestro |
nine | nueve |
new | nuevo |
or | o |
eighty | ochenta |
eight | ocho |
eight hundred | ochocientos |
to forget | olvidar |
eleven | once |
dark; obscure; dim | oscuro |
other, another | otro |
to kick | patear |
to ask for; to demand; to order | pedir |
small, little | pequeño |
but | pero |
pesocurrency | peso |
silvery | plateado |
little, not much; few, not many | poco |
to put | poner |
for; by; through; because of; perand much more | por |
because | porque |
possible | posible |
to practice | practicar |
to ask | preguntar |
next; close, near | próximo |
that; which; who; whom | que |
to be left; to stay, to remain | quedar |
fifteen | quince |
five hundred | quinientos |
to repeat | repetir |
rich, wealthy; delicious | rico |
red | rojo |
pink | rosa |
pinksouth american | rosado |
blondhair color | rubio |
to leave, to go out | salir |
to follow; to continue | seguir |
according to; depending on | según |
six | seis |
six hundred | seiscientos |
to be | ser |
to serve | servir |
sixty | sesenta |
seven hundred | setecientos |
seventy | setenta |
if | si |
always | siempre |
seven | siete |
without | sin |
on top of; over; about | sobre |
social | social |
your; his; her; its; their | su |
to suppose | suponer |
his, her, its, yours | suyo |
theirs, yours | suyo |
yes | sí |
such | tal |
I believe youinformal. | Te creo. |
to be hungry | tener hambre |
to be afraid | tener miedo |
to have to | tener que |
all, every | todo |
all; everyone, everybody | todos |
to work | trabajar |
after, behind | tras |
to treat | tratar |
thirteen | trece |
thirty | treinta |
three | tres |
three hundred | trescientos |
yoursinformal | tuyo |
you | tú |
a little, a bit | un poco |
one house | una casa |
one | uno |
you | usted |
to be worth, to cost | valer |
twenty | veinte |
twenty-five | veinticinco |
twenty-four | veinticuatro |
twenty-two | veintidós |
twenty-nine | veintinueve |
twenty-eight | veintiocho |
twenty-seven | veintisiete |
twenty-six | veintiséis |
twenty-three | veintitrés |
twenty-one | veintiuno |
to come | venir |
green | verde |
to travel | viajar |
violet | violeta |
to live | vivir |
youFEM | vosotras |
your | vuestro |
yoursinformal | vuestro |
and | y |
I | yo |
to understand | comprender |
the sugar | el/la azúcar |
beautiful | hermoso |
never | nunca |
to have | tener |
your | tu |
you | ustedes |
you | vosotros |
See you tomorrow! | ¡Hasta mañana! |
What ...!; How ...! | ¡Qué ...! |
What a shame!, What a pity! | ¡Qué lástima! |
Where to? | ¿Adónde? |
Which?; What? | ¿Cuál? |
When? | ¿Cuándo? |
How much? | ¿Cuánto? |
How many? | ¿Cuántos? |
How? | ¿Cómo? |
From where? | ¿De dónde? |
Where? | ¿Dónde? |
Why? | ¿Por qué? |
Who? | ¿Quién? |
What?; Which? | ¿Qué? |
he | él |