
Usages of no

No hay pan en la mesa.
There is no bread on the table.
El gato no come pan.
The cat doesn't eat bread.
No hablo español.
I don't speak Spanish.
Creo que no está aquí.
I believe that he's not here.
Comprende que no es posible.
She understands that it's not possible.
El hombre que bebe mucho no trabaja.
The man who drinks a lot doesn't work.
No tengo patria.
I don't have a fatherland.
No. No tengo nada.
No. I don't have anything.
No. No hay nadie aquí.
No. There isn't anybody here.
No comprendo como es posible.
I don't understand how it's possible.
Hay café, pero no hay té.
There is coffee, but there is no tea.
Tengo miedo cuando está oscuro, aunque no hay peligro.
I'm afraid when it's dark, even though there's no danger.
No hablo mientras como.
I don't speak while I eat.
¿Compras la casa? No. No la compro.
Are you buying the house? No. I'm not buying it.
¿No los crees?
Don't youinformal believe them?
No digo nada.
I'm not saying anything.
No creo lo que dicen.
I don't believe what they say.
Entre nosotros, no creo lo que dice.
Between us, I don't believe what he says.
No lo puedo pagar.
I cannot pay it.
No pueden encontrar sus llaves.
They cannot find their keys.
No te recuerdo.
I don't remember youinformal.
No como los domingos.
I don't eat on Sundays. is an online learning platform
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