Spanish 45 - When the indefinite article is not used

I am a writer.Soy autor.
She is a young professor.Ella es una profesora joven.
the fatherlandla patria
I don't have a fatherland.No tengo patria.
to take; to carry; to wearclothesllevar
I'm wearing a T-shirt.Llevo camiseta.
half; middle; mean, averagemedio
We arrive in half an hour.Llegamos en media hora.
He writes with a pencil.Escribe con lápiz.
to travelviajar
We travel without a car.Viajamos sin coche.
to buycomprar
other, anotherotro
We are buying another house.Compramos otra casa.
certain; sure; truecierto
the personla persona
tonightesta noche
A certain person is coming tonight.Cierta persona viene esta noche.
the caseel caso
in such a caseen tal caso
What ...!; How ...!¡Qué ...!
the shame, the pityla lástima
What a shame!, What a pity!¡Qué lástima!
