Question | Answer |
a leader who issues orders and assigns tasks | authoritarian leader |
a leader who encourages group participation and consensus-building before moving into action | democratic leader |
a group function that serves an emotional need | expressive function |
a leader who is concerned with process and with ensuring everyone’s emotional wellbeing | expressive leader |
a hands-off leader who allows members of the group to make their own decisions | laissez-faire leader |
the style a leader uses to achieve goals or elicit action from group members | leadership style |
the increasing presence of the fast food business model in common social institutions | McDonaldization of Society |
a bureaucracy where membership and advancement is based on merit—proven and documented skills | meritocracy |
organizations that people join to pursue shared interests or because they provide some intangible rewards | normative or voluntary organizations |
groups to which an individual compares herself | reference groups |
an organization in which participants live a controlled lifestyle and in which total resocialization occurs | total institution |
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The content of this course has been taken from the free Sociology textbook by Openstax