21.2.5 Theoretical Perspectives on Social Movements

a social problem that is stated in a clear, easily understood manner
diagnostic framing
using bridging, amplification, extension, and transformation as an ongoing and intentional means of recruiting participants to a movement
frame alignment process
a call to action
motivational framing
a theory that attempts to explain the proliferation of postindustrial and postmodern movements that are difficult to understand using traditional social movement theories
new social movement theory
social movements that state a clear solution and a means of implementation
prognostic framing
a theory that explains social movements’ success in terms of their ability to acquire resources and mobilize individuals
resource mobilization theory
the collection of the social movement organizations that are striving toward similar goals
social movement industry
the multiple social movement industries in a society, even if they have widely varying constituents and goals
social movement sector

The content of this course has been taken from the free Sociology textbook by Openstax