4.6.2 Meditation

type of brain wave characteristic during the early part of NREM stage 1 sleep, which has fairly low amplitude and a frequency of 8–12 Hz
alpha wave
type of brain wave characteristic during wakefulness, which has a very low amplitude and a frequency of 13–30 Hz
beta wave
internal cycle of biological activity
biological rhythm
type of brain wave characteristic during stage 3 NREM sleep, which has a high amplitude and low frequency of less than 3 Hz
delta wave
people become aware that they are dreaming and can control the dream’s content
lucid dream
clearing the mind in order to achieve a state of relaxed awareness and focus
uses methadone to treat withdrawal symptoms in opiate users
methadone clinic
sleep disorder in which the sleeper experiences a sense of panic and may scream or attempt to escape from the immediate environment
night terror
one of a category of drugs that has strong analgesic properties; opiates are produced from the resin of the opium poppy; includes heroin, morphine, methadone, and codeine
period of sleep characterized by brain waves very similar to those during wakefulness and by darting movements of the eyes under closed eyelids
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
third stage of sleep; deep sleep characterized by low frequency, high amplitude delta waves
stage 3 sleep
drug that tends to increase overall levels of neural activity; includes caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, and cocaine
type of brain wave characteristic of the end of stage 1 NREM sleep, which has a moderately low amplitude and a frequency of 4–7 Hz
theta wave

The content of this course has been taken from the free Psychology textbook by Openstax