3.3 Parts of the Nervous System

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe the difference between the central and peripheral nervous systems
  • Explain the difference between the somatic and autonomic nervous systems
  • Differentiate between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system

The nervous system can be divided into two major subdivisions: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), shown in Figure 3.13. The CNS is comprised of the brain and spinal cord; the PNS connects the CNS to the rest of the body. In this section, we focus on the peripheral nervous system; later, we look at the brain and spinal cord.

Image (a) shows an outline of a human body with the brain and spinal cord illustrated. Image (b) shows an outline of a human body with a network of nerves depicted.
Figure 3.13 The nervous system is divided into two major parts: (a) the Central Nervous System and (b) the Peripheral Nervous System.

The content of this course has been taken from the free Psychology textbook by Openstax