16.3.1 Individual Therapy

In individual therapy, also known as individual psychotherapy or individual counseling, the client and clinician meet one-on-one (usually from 45 minutes to 1 hour). These meetings typically occur weekly or every other week, and sessions are conducted in a confidential and caring environment (Figure 16.15). The clinician will work with clients to help them explore their feelings, work through life challenges, identify aspects of themselves and their lives that they wish to change, and set goals to help them work towards these changes. A client might see a clinician for only a few sessions, or the client may attend individual therapy sessions for a year or longer. The amount of time spent in therapy depends on the needs of the client as well as her personal goals.

A photograph depicting a woman in a therapy session with her therapist is shown.
Figure 16.15 In an individual therapy session, a client works one-on-one with a trained therapist. (credit: Alan Cleaver)

The content of this course has been taken from the free Psychology textbook by Openstax