13.4 Human Factors Psychology and Workplace Design

employers cannot discriminate against any individual based on a disability
Americans with Disabilities Act
requirement of certain occupations for which denying an individual employment would otherwise violate the law, such as requirements concerning religion or sex
bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)
method used to reduce workplace accidents
traits that employers cannot use to discriminate in hiring, benefits, promotions, or termination; these traits are fundamental to one’s personal identity (e.g. skin color and hair texture)
immutable characteristic
evaluation of an employee’s success or lack of success at performing the duties of the job
performance appraisal
characteristic of leaders who focus on supervision and organizational goals achieved through a system of rewards and punishments; maintenance of the organizational status quo
transactional leadership style
characteristic of leaders who are charismatic role models, inspirational, intellectually stimulating, and individually considerate and who seek to change the organization
transformational leadership style
group of people within an organization or company given a specific task to achieve together
work team
occurs when people juggle the demands of work life with the demands of family life
work–family balance

The content of this course has been taken from the free Psychology textbook by Openstax