A thread is just a short thread with a small bit extra.
Breakdown of thread
You see some small animals walking on hooks instead of legs.
Usages of thread
If you don't have enough threads to make clothes in winter, it will be your end.
A tie is a thread that gives a man good luck.
Where many threads meet, they form a picture.
Using crimson threads, you craft a beautiful work.
If there are threads in yo water, don't drink it. You'll turn green.
You see a thread, and someone crafts a strap from it.
To personalize your paper, on every thread that it consists of, you imprint your family name.
Threads obey gravity, hanging vertically.
Thread your way east to master the practice.
You became as thin as a thread by working on the rice paddy too much.
You follow a thread and arrive at a sacred passage.