Breakdown of rice paddy
The enclosure component looks the same as the mouth kanji. Unlike mouth, this component is not a kanji by itself. When the enclosure component is used inside a kanji, another component is enclosed within it.
Usages of rice paddy
When it rains, you quickly go to your rice paddy and point a fishhook in the sky in order to harvest some electricity.
Turn the topped rice in the rice paddy for the perfect harvest.
Your town consists of just a rice paddy and a street.
You are a simple man, owning ten insignificant rice paddies.
You want a new nose, so you get your self a rice paddy and grow twenty of them.
Working in a rice paddy gives power to a man.
If a rice paddy had a heart, it would be able to think.
You catch a fish with a sword by the rice paddy and cook it over a fire.
You bend at the rice paddy, and the head of a ghost appears.
In the rice paddy there's a tree that's bearing fruit.
There's a line of shells showing the way to the rice paddy.
You see a stick in a rice paddy, and know it must've been put there for a reason.
You became as thin as a thread by working on the rice paddy too much.
If you see grass on a rice paddy, they're probably the seedlings of rice plants.
You detain the Easter Bunny in a rice paddy.
You see rain above your rice paddy, and then a lightning bolt strikes it.