Ten crops, one soil.
Usages of soil; earth
The king is the one ruling the soil.
When you get old, you start to bend and end up in the soil.
Sheep eat all weeds they can find on the soil.
Deeply under the soil, you've buried private matters of your past.
Temples are built on soil with precise measurement.
One upside down box can contain all soil twice.
There is no better place to arrive than on one's private soil.
You see a toadstool growing from the soil, but then realize it's just a clod.
After soiling your gun, you put your mouth against the dish to taste some salt.
Companies put large displays in the soil in order to advertise.
Two people on the soil, clearly they are sitting.
Again and again, the soil nurtures life, making it sacred.
The ground is where the soil chooses to be.
Long kimonos, from the soil to your mouth those clothes reach.
You walk on the soil, see a sheep, and know there must be more.
You see a bend in the soil, but then realize it's a cow.
You see a creature made from soil on human legs, but then realize it's just a toadstool.
With an upside down box on your head and soil in your mouth, you measure the circumference.
You press together two pieces of soil and turn it into a square jewel.
A public chamber is a piece of soil where both your mind and your mouth are welcome.
You see a violet in the grass while you work with your mouth full of soil.
The wall was erected on false soil, leading to its collapse.
You have water and a surplus of soil, and turn it into paint.
A cottage and a hut are built directly on the soil, and have one roof and one opening.
You are looking for the location where the sunbeam hits the soil.
Deer soil every place with their trash.