This kanji component looks just like a cover.
Usages of cover
A crown covers the head, lined with jewels.
If you want to give something away, you better cover the downside by first making a copy.
You see a gentleman with his legs covered. He is selling something.
Thirty cover towels went into making this sash.
The people in the center of power always cover up big things.
When you love someone, you use your fingernails to cover their heart during winter.
The crown is arriving from the left side. Yo, cover yourself again! Lie down!
True melancholy also covers your heart in the middle of summer.
A claw covered with a towel functions perfectly as a broom.
You accept the nail polish, in order to have your fingernails covered again.
For a bird to be a flying bird, it needs to be covered in feathers, and it needs to be a small bird.
An insignificant cover may hide a vast, profound mind.
The army has tanks, which are basically covered cars.