This obviously is a lid. Just look at it!
Usages of lid
You're not tall enough to be unaffected by a sandstorm, so you need to put a lid on your mouth when entering the desert to avoid choking in the sand.
You lift the lid of the soup pan and see six boiling animal legs. Delicious!
You lost all your yen, because you held the box upside down an didn't properly attach the lid.
A lid can't keep those persistent weeds from standing up.
Even if you put a lid on your person and the winter is dotted, the night will still be cold.
Ten people put a lid on their student life when they graduate.
In the capital, they put a lid on your mouth to make it smaller.
Better put a lid on your father if you want to mingle with your friends.
You are put between some shelfs with a lidon top. That's how you perish.
This kanji looks like a small book on a stand. The book is so small that it contains only one sentence.
Under the lid lies a short thread with mysterious powers.
You see a creature with human legs and also animal legs, and quickly put a lid on it.
You get praise for the way you preserve your clothes under a lid.
Putting a lid on spicy things gives you happiness.