Usages of mouth; opening
One hook in the mouth makes it possible.
You're not tall enough to be unaffected by a sandstorm, so you need to put a lid on your mouth when entering the desert to avoid choking in the sand.
Above the middle of your mouth there's a line called the philtrum.
Putting a scissors in your mouth is not the right thing to do.
Only after a dot is pronounced by three mouths does it become a word.
The tongue enables our mouth to tell a thousand tales.
When a set of words is spoken by at least five mouths, it has a right to call itself a language.
Enclosure and mouth are actually just two times the same kanji.
Your director was hooked in his one mouth.
This kanji looks just like a flag.
As you can see in this diagram, the slightly bent spine connects the mouth at the top of our body with the mouth at the bottom of our body.
In the evening, a mouth speaks your name.
In order to suck, you need to reach out with your mouth.
Twenty-one mouths are needed to produce ten pieces of leather.
After you threaten to put an arrow through their mouths, your prisoners suddenly know all information you need.
Your older brother is just a mouth on two legs.
In the capital, they put a lid on your mouth to make it smaller.
Old people talk as if they have ten mouths.
One mouth on human legs heads west.
People in Asia eat by bringing two sticks to their mouth.
By using your mouth to count aloud, you can reach any number.
A mouth, when words lack, can still blow a trumpet.
You assemble a mouth, but it doesn't fit into the face of the robot you're building.
A bolt of cloth starts wrapping you from your mouth all the way to your foot.
Stand up and open your mouth against the wall to get your part.
Every mouth that tells history, bends and stretches it in its own way.
After soiling your gun, you put your mouth against the dish to taste some salt.
Grass can be wrapped by the mouth of any, but only some like it.
Privately, you think no organ is more beautiful than the mouth. You put it on a pedestal.
To separate your mouth from danger, you wrap your knife.
With his five mouths, Wi chews animal hides into tanned leather.
The Tang dynasty was a bunch of people living on a cliff scratching their mouths all the time.
Each winter, your mouth freezes.
In the desert, it's as if your mouth is caught in an upside down box. Drinking water never comes from above, so you have to search for it below.
The gate has a mouth, it questions everyone who enters.
In the valley, under a roof made of animal legs, lives a creature with a big mouth.
When a calamity occurs, just use your mouth to swallow it.
Fortune tellers use their mouths to occupy all your time.
The trees look so tasty, your mouth starts to bundle saliva just looking at them.
You're in a marsh, and see eight fish mouths appear above the water.
Your mouth has pledged to consume everything it encounters.
With it's mouth, a bird chirps.
Long kimonos, from the soil to your mouth those clothes reach.
You get hooked in the mouth and are taken to a building with a flag in front of it. It's some kind of bureau.
Mouths in the desert are dishonest.
A gentleman uses his mouth to wish you good luck.
With an upside down box on your head and soil in your mouth, you measure the circumference.
A public chamber is a piece of soil where both your mind and your mouth are welcome.
You see a violet in the grass while you work with your mouth full of soil.
If you use your mouth to communicate, your relations will blossom.
To call out is like a question mark from the mouth.
You fought under a false flag and are punished by getting spicy stuff in your mouth.
A cottage and a hut are built directly on the soil, and have one roof and one opening.
You are amazed by the fact that trees have mouths.
You use the teeth in your mouth to bite.
You add power to yourself by consuming things with your mouth.