Japanese 316 - Using の at the end of a sentence

The particle can be used at the end of a sentence to seek explanation, clarification or confirmation about something.

When is used after a noun or a な-adjective, the noun or adjective is suffixed with .

When used at the end of a statement, can indicate the speaker is giving an explanation, often with an emotional or emphatic nuance.

can also be used to make statements or questions sound softer, more indirect, or less assertive. This is especially common in feminine speech, though not exclusively so.

Lastly, can be used to add emphasis or a sense of emotion to a statement. This usage is similar to using at the end of a sentence. Using at the end of a sentence emphasizes your feelings and makes you assert yourself in a soft, indirect manner. This usage is more common among females, though not exclusive to them. Using at the end of a sentence emphasizes or asserts new information, making sure the listener acknowledges and takes note. It is more direct than .

It really is that way!
そうな の!souna no!
