Japanese 227 - Usages of the verb する

You've already learned that the verb する means to do, and that it can be used after many nouns to make verbs.

The verb する can also be used in other ways, one of which is to indicate the cost of an item.

The verb する can also mean to wear, but only in relation to accessories.

The verb する can also be used to report on sensations. Note that in this case we use the particle and not the particle .

The verb する can also be used to tell what work we do. We need to use the present continuous here to indicate that our profession is an ongoing state.

The verb する can also be used to indicate other features of persons or things than their professions. In this case we again need to use the present continuous.

As we've already learned before, する is also used in relation to games, sports and hobbies.


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