Question | Answer |
星 | star The sun gives life to your planet and is your favorite star. |
胡 | foreign In the old days, the moon was born because of a foreign object crashing into Earth. |
湖 | lake Water from foreign places rains down to form a lake. |
雷 | thunderbolt You see rain above your rice paddy, and then a lightning bolt strikes it. |
因 | factor Your enclosure plays a big factor in your contentment. |
舞 | dance You just want to dance, nothing but dancing. |
送 | send You walk with your relations to send them off. |
⻊ component | foot The foot component looks a lot like the foot kanji |
踊 | jump; dance You jump with your foot into a bucket and dance. |
⺼ component | body part You find an upside down box with drops of blood on it. It's filled with body parts. |
祭 | festival You're at a festival, showing your body parts again. |
昜 component | sunbeam At dawn, do not look into the sunbeam. |
場 | location You are looking for the location where the sunbeam hits the soil. |
集 | gather; collect You see some small birds gather in a tree. |
政 | politics If you want to engage in politics, the correct way is by going on a strike. |
治 | govern; cure You are allowed to govern because you can cure anyone using holy water from a pedestal. |
規 | norm What the husband sees as normal becomes the norm. |
匂 | odor You wrap a spoon to contain the odor. |
触 | contact You try to establish contact with insects that hide in corners. |
頃 | time Using a spoon to turn a page takes time. |
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Nihon-shiki romanizationwatasi ha tyuugoku kara kimasita
Hepburn romanizationwatashi wa chuugoku kara kimashita