Japanese 215 - Indicating proximity with こちら, そちら, あちら and どちら

this formal; this person; this way
This is my house.
こちら は わたし の いえ です。kotira ha watasi no ie desu.
that formal; that person; that way
What is that?
そちら は なん です か?sotira ha nan desu ka?
that over there formal; that person over there; that way over there
That over there is a library.
あちら は しょかん です。atira ha tosyokan desu.
That place over there is already closed.
あちら は もう まって います。atira ha mou simatte imasu.
This is my mother.
こちら は はは です。kotira ha haha desu.
This way please.
こちら へ どうぞ。kotira he douzo.
What are you doing over there?
そちら で なに を して います か?sotira de nani wo site imasu ka?
Where does this train go?
こちら の でんしゃ は どこ へ きます か?kotira no densya ha doko he ikimasu ka?
Do you know that child over there?
あちら の ども、 って います か?atira no kodomo, sitte imasu ka?
Have you finished reading that newspaper?
そちら の しんぶん、 み えました か?sotira no sinbun, yomi oemasita ka?
Which book do you like?
どちら の ほん が き です か?dotira no hon ga suki desu ka?
Which way are you going?
どちら へ きます か?dotira he ikimasu ka?
Which one is the correct answer?
どちら が ただしい こたえ です か?dotira ga tadasii kotae desu ka?


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