Breakdown of taisetsu
This guy is so big that everywhere he goes, there's only space for one person.
If you have seven swords, you can cut anything.
Usages of taisetsu
毎晩、 歯 を 磨くこと は 大切 です。maiban, wa o migakukoto wa taisetsu desu.
Brushing your teeth every night is important.
大切な 時間 を ありがとう。taisetsuna jikan o arigatou.
Thank you for the precious time.
親切な 心 が 大切 です。shinsetsuna kokoro ga taisetsu desu.
A kind heart is important.
急 の 時 に は、 速さ が 大切 です。kyuu no toki ni wa, hayasa ga taisetsu desu.
In times of urgency, speed is important.
初め の 一歩 が 大切 です。hajime no ippo ga taisetsu desu.
The first step is important. is an online learning platform
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