Breakdown of itai
You're sick, puking in a bucket, and in pain.
Usages of itai
どう しました か。 頭 が 痛い。dou shimashita ka. atama ga itai.
A: What happened? B: (My) head hurts.
どこ が 痛い です か。doko ga itai desu ka.
Where does it hurt?
行けない。 足 が まだ 痛。ikenai. ashi ga mada itai.
(I) can't come. (My) foot still hurts.
Remember that whereas in English we use the word come when joining a group of people somewhere, in Japanese we use the verb 行く here, as the speaker is moving away from his usual location.
歯 が 痛い です。wa ga itai desu.
I have a toothache. is an online learning platform
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