Japanese 191 - The Plain Form III: Present Tense Negative Verbs

Conjugating verbs to the negative present tense in the plain form varies depending on the verb's ending. There are three types of endings we need to pay attention to:

  1. Group 2, or いちだん verbs, which all end in -る
  2. Group 1, or だん verbs that end in -う
  3. Group 1, or だん verbs that do not end in -う
  4. The irregular verbs です、ある、する、来る

For いちだん verbs, replace the -る with -ない. For example, 食べる becomes 食べない.

For だん verbs that end in -う, change the -う into -わない. For example, 買う becomes 買わない.

For だん verbs not ending in -う, change the -sound into an -あ-sound, and add ない. For example, becomes かない.

And finally, the negative plain form for the irregular verbs is as follows:

Plain Form PositivePlain Form Negative

And here are example sentences for each of them:
