Петро працює в офісі.

Breakdown of Петро працює в офісі.

to work
the office
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Questions & Answers about Петро працює в офісі.

Why is the name Петро placed at the beginning of the sentence, and what does that tell us about its role?
Петро is the subject of the sentence and is in the nominative case. Ukrainians typically follow a subject–verb–object (SVO) word order in neutral statements, so placing Петро first immediately identifies who is performing the action—namely, Peter.
How is the verb працює formed, and what information does it convey about the action?
The verb працює is the third-person singular present tense form of працювати (“to work”). It indicates that Peter is currently engaged in the action of working. Its form aligns with the subject, confirming that the sentence is about what Peter does in the present.
Why does the noun офіс appear as офісі in this sentence?
Офісі is the locative case form of офіс. In Ukrainian, when expressing location with the preposition в (meaning “in”), the noun is typically declined into the locative case. This change in ending signals that the action is taking place inside an office.
Why is there no article before офісі like we use “the” in the English sentence “Peter works in the office”?
Ukrainian does not have articles (such as a or the). Instead, definiteness or indefiniteness is inferred from context. Therefore, офісі simply means “office,” and no additional word is needed to specify “the office.”
Can the word order be changed in Ukrainian to emphasize different parts of the sentence, and what effect might that have?
Yes, Ukrainian allows flexible word order because the grammatical roles are clear from the case endings. For example, placing в офісі at the beginning—forming “В офісі працює Петро.”—shifts the emphasis onto the location, even though the overall meaning remains the same.