También quiero experimentar nuevas aficiones, como pintar o tejer.

También quiero experimentar nuevas aficiones, como pintar o tejer.
I also want to experience new hobbies, such as painting or knitting.
Part of speech

Breakdown of También quiero experimentar nuevas aficiones, como pintar o tejer.

to want
to paint
to experience
such as
to knit
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Questions & Answers about También quiero experimentar nuevas aficiones, como pintar o tejer.

Why is también placed at the beginning of the sentence?
In Spanish, también (meaning also or too) can be placed at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence to emphasize the inclusion of an extra element. Placing it at the start here helps emphasize that, in addition to something mentioned before, you also want to experiment with new hobbies.
What exactly does experimentar nuevas aficiones mean?
Experimentar nuevas aficiones literally means to experiment with new hobbies. In Spanish, experimentar can suggest trying them out to see if you like them. It conveys the sense of exploring something unfamiliar or different.
Why is como used here before pintar o tejer?
When como is used this way in Spanish, it works similarly to such as or like in English. It introduces examples—in this case, painting or knitting—to clarify which new hobbies you want to explore.
How do pintar and tejer translate into English, and are they used in the same contexts?
Pintar translates as to paint, and tejer translates as to knit (or to weave, depending on the context). They are generally used the same way as their English counterparts. However, keep in mind that tejer can also mean related crafts like crocheting, depending on the region and specific usage.
Can I say también quiero probar nuevas aficiones instead of experimentar?
Yes, you can. Probar (to try) is also common in Spanish. However, experimentar emphasizes the idea of exploring or testing out these hobbies to see how they feel, while probar can sometimes be more casual or straightforward in meaning. Both are correct but carry slightly different nuances.

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