La obra en el museo es maravillosa.

La obra en el museo es maravillosa.
The work in the museum is wonderful.
Part of speech

Breakdown of La obra en el museo es maravillosa.

to be
el museo
the museum
la obra
the work is an online learning platform
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Questions & Answers about La obra en el museo es maravillosa.

Why is la used before obra?
Because obra is a feminine noun in Spanish. Nouns ending in -a are generally feminine, so the article la is used.
Why is ser (in es) used here instead of estar?
We use ser for identifying or describing essential characteristics. Saying es maravillosa describes a permanent or inherent trait of the obra, so ser is more appropriate than estar.
Is there a difference between obra and trabajo?
In Spanish, obra often refers to a work of art or literature (e.g., a painting, a play, a book), while trabajo is more general and can refer to any “work” or “job” in many contexts, including professional or physical work.
What does en el museo imply?
En el museo means “in/at the museum,” indicating the location. It tells us that this particular obra is physically located inside the museum or is part of the museum’s collection.
Why does maravillosa end with -a here?
Spanish adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. Since obra is feminine (it uses la), the adjective must be feminine as well, hence maravillosa instead of maravilloso.

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