Antes de la salida, revisa el mapa para encontrar la mejor ruta.
Before leaving, check the map to find the best route.
Part of speech
Breakdown of Antes de la salida, revisa el mapa para encontrar la mejor ruta.
to find
el mapa
the map
la salida
the departure
la mejor
the best
la ruta
the route
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Questions & Answers about Antes de la salida, revisa el mapa para encontrar la mejor ruta.
Why is Antes de la salida used instead of something like Antes la salida or Antes de salir?
In Spanish, you typically say Antes de + noun to mean before something happens, so Antes de la salida literally means Before the departure. If you wanted to say Before leaving, you would say Antes de salir instead. The preposition de is necessary when followed by a noun (like la salida).
Is revisa in the imperative form, or is it a different tense?
In this sentence, revisa is indeed the tú (informal singular) imperative form of the verb revisar. It’s used for giving direct instructions or commands to someone, as in Check the map or Review the map.
When should I use para vs. por? Why para here?
Para often indicates purpose or intent, whereas por usually relates to cause, means, or a manner of doing something. In …para encontrar la mejor ruta, para introduces the goal — to find the best route. Using por here would change the meaning or simply sound unnatural.
Could I say checa el mapa or chequee el mapa instead of revisa el mapa?
Yes, depending on the region. Checar (sometimes spelled chequear) is common in parts of Latin America (especially in Mexico), but revisar is more universally understood. Chequee would be the usted imperative form (more formal or polite), whereas checa is the tú form.
Is ruta always feminine, or can it be masculine in some contexts?
Ruta is a feminine noun in Spanish, so you’d use la ruta. There’s no masculine equivalent for this specific word.
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