Многие друзья ходят в школу.

Breakdown of Многие друзья ходят в школу.

the friend
to go
the school
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Questions & Answers about Многие друзья ходят в школу.

What does the adjective Многие mean, and how does it function in this sentence?
Многие translates as "many" in English. It functions as an adjective (or quantitative pronoun) modifying друзья, indicating that a large number of friends are being referred to.
What is the form and meaning of друзья in this sentence?
Друзья means "friends" and is the nominative plural form of друг. It serves as the subject of the sentence.
Why is the verb ходят used here, and what does it indicate about the action?
Ходят is the third-person plural present tense form of ходить. It conveys habitual or regular action, meaning that these friends routinely attend school rather than going just once or at a specific moment.
What case is школу in, and why is it used with the preposition в?
Школу is in the accusative case, which is used with the preposition в to indicate direction or destination. Together, в школу means "to school."
Is the word order in Многие друзья ходят в школу flexible in Russian, and can it be rearranged without changing the meaning?
Yes, Russian allows flexible word order because of its case system. Although Многие друзья ходят в школу follows the typical subject-verb-direction order, rearranging the words can shift the emphasis without significantly altering the core meaning.
What is the difference between using Многие and Много when referring to friends, and is one form more appropriate here?
Both Многие друзья and Много друзей express the idea of "many friends." The difference is subtle: Многие functions like an adjective directly modifying a countable noun, while Много acts more like a quantifier and is sometimes used in a slightly more generic sense. In this sentence, Многие is appropriate because it fits neatly with the plural noun друзья.