Мои яркие цветы распускаются на газоне.

Breakdown of Мои яркие цветы распускаются на газоне.

the lawn
the flower
to bloom
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Questions & Answers about Мои яркие цветы распускаются на газоне.

What is the literal translation of the sentence "Мои яркие цветы распускаются на газоне"?
It translates to "My bright flowers are blooming on the lawn." This gives you the overall meaning of the sentence.
How do the adjectives мои and яркие agree with the noun цветы in this sentence?
Both adjectives modify цветы and must agree with it in gender, number, and case. Since цветы is plural (and in the nominative case as the subject), мои (my) and яркие (bright) are also in their plural nominative forms.
Why is the verb распускаются in a reflexive form, ending in -ются?
In Russian, many verbs that describe natural processes—like flowers opening up—are used reflexively. The form распускаются comes from the reflexive verb распускаться, which indicates that the subject (the flowers) is performing the action on itself. It essentially shows that the blooming happens on its own.
What case is the noun газоне in, and why is it used with the preposition на?
Газоне is in the prepositional case. When using the preposition на to indicate location (as in “on the lawn”), the noun that follows must be in the prepositional case. This construction clarifies where the flowers are blooming.
What tense and aspect is the verb распускаются used in this sentence?
Распускаются is in the present tense and uses the imperfective aspect. The imperfective aspect is employed to describe an ongoing or natural process—in this case, the continuous blooming of the flowers.
Is the word order in this Russian sentence fixed, or can it be rearranged for emphasis like in English?
Russian offers significantly more flexibility in word order than English because grammatical relationships are marked by case endings rather than word position. Although the standard order here is Subject (Мои яркие цветы) – Verb (распускаются) – Location (на газоне), you can rearrange the words to emphasize different parts of the sentence while still preserving the intended meaning, as long as the case endings remain intact.