Breakdown of В библиотеке библиотекарь улыбается посетителям.
to smile
the library
the librarian
the visitor is an online learning platform
We have an entire course teaching Russian grammar and vocabulary.
Questions & Answers about В библиотеке библиотекарь улыбается посетителям.
What does the phrase В библиотеке indicate in this sentence?
It shows the location where the action is taking place—in this case, inside the library. The preposition в combined with the noun библиотеке (in its prepositional case) specifies "in the library."
Why is the noun библиотекарь used without any article, and what is its role?
Russian does not have articles like "the" or "a." The noun библиотекарь appears in its nominative singular form because it is the subject of the sentence, meaning "librarian."
Why is the word посетителям in the dative case, and what does this case imply here?
The noun посетителям is in the dative plural form. In Russian, the verb улыбаться (to smile) requires its indirect object—the person receiving the smile—to be in the dative case. This indicates that the librarian is smiling at the visitors.
What tense and grammatical person is the verb улыбается in?
The verb улыбается is in the present tense and appears in the third-person singular form. It indicates that the librarian (the subject) is performing the action of smiling right now.
How does the word order of this sentence compare to typical English sentence structure?
The sentence begins with a prepositional phrase (В библиотеке) that sets the location, followed by the subject (библиотекарь), then the verb (улыбается), and finally the dative object (посетителям). Despite Russian having a flexible word order due to its case system, this structure mirrors the clear subject-verb-object order found in English sentences, with the added detail of location at the start.
How are the cases determined by the preposition and verb in this sentence?
The preposition в requires the noun that follows—библиотеке—to be in the prepositional case when expressing location. Meanwhile, the verb улыбаться governs the noun посетителям, which must appear in the dative case since it receives the action indirectly. The subject библиотекарь naturally remains in the nominative case.