Большое спасибо за подарок.

Breakdown of Большое спасибо за подарок.

thank you
the gift
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Questions & Answers about Большое спасибо за подарок.

Why is the adjective большое in the neuter form in this sentence?
The adjective большое must agree with the noun it modifies. In this case, спасибо is treated as a neuter noun, so большое is used in the neuter singular form. This agreement is necessary even though спасибо is a somewhat fixed expression meaning “thanks.”
What role does the preposition за play in this sentence?
The preposition за introduces the reason or the object of the gratitude. It links the action of thanking to what is being thanked for—in this instance, подарок (“gift”). It is a fixed part of the phrase that tells the listener what the gratitude is directed toward.
What case is the noun подарок in, and why is that case used here?
In the sentence, подарок is in the accusative case. After the preposition за (when expressing thanks for something), the noun typically appears in the accusative to indicate the direct object of the thankfulness.
Can you explain the difference in nuance between saying Спасибо за подарок and Большое спасибо за подарок?
Yes. Спасибо за подарок is a standard way to say “Thank you for the gift.” When you add большое to form Большое спасибо за подарок, it intensifies the gratitude—much like saying “Thank you very much for the gift.” The adjective большое adds extra emphasis, conveying that you feel especially appreciative.
How does a word-for-word translation of Большое спасибо за подарок compare to its natural English equivalent?
A literal translation would be “Big thanks for [the] gift.” In natural English, we would say “Thank you very much for the gift.” While the structures differ—Russian treats спасибо as a noun modified by большое—both expressions communicate an elevated level of gratitude.