Я люблю праздник.

Breakdown of Я люблю праздник.

to love
the celebration
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Questions & Answers about Я люблю праздник.

What does Я mean in this sentence?
Я is the pronoun meaning I and serves as the subject of the sentence.
Why is the verb люблю in that form?
Люблю is the first-person singular present tense form of the verb любить (to love). Because the subject is Я (I), the verb conjugates to match, giving the meaning I love.
Why is there no article before праздник?
Russian does not use articles like a or the. The noun праздник stands alone without any article, which is typical in Russian grammar.
What does праздник mean in this context?
Праздник can mean holiday, festival, or celebration. The exact meaning depends on context, but it generally refers to an event of celebration or festivity.
Why does праздник not change its form even though it is the object of the sentence?
In Russian, many masculine inanimate nouns have an accusative case form that is identical to their nominative form. Since праздник is a masculine inanimate noun, its appearance doesn’t change when used as the direct object.
What is the word order of this sentence, and is it flexible?
The sentence follows the Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) order: Я (subject) + люблю (verb) + праздник (object). While this order is common, Russian grammar is quite flexible due to its case system, allowing rearrangements for emphasis or stylistic purposes.