Breakdown of Моя сестра любит читать книги.
the book
to read
to love
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Questions & Answers about Моя сестра любит читать книги.
Why is the possessive adjective Моя used instead of мой?
Because the noun it modifies, сестра (sister), is feminine. In Russian, adjectives must agree in gender, number, and case with the noun they describe; therefore, the feminine form Моя is required.
What role does сестра play in the sentence?
Сестра is the subject of the sentence. It tells us who is performing the action described by the verb любит.
Why is the verb любить conjugated as любит?
The form любит is the third-person singular present tense of любить. Since сестра is a singular noun, the verb must agree with its subject in both person and number.
What is the function of the infinitive читать in this sentence?
The infinitive читать acts as the object of the liking expressed by любит. In Russian, verbs like любить are typically followed directly by an infinitive to indicate the action that is liked, much like the “to” + verb structure in English (e.g., "loves to read")—except that Russian does not use an extra particle like “to.”
What case is книги in and why does it look identical to the nominative plural?
Книги is in the accusative case as the direct object of the verb читать. For inanimate nouns in Russian, the accusative case usually matches the form of the nominative case, which is why книги appears unchanged.
Why are there no articles (like “the” or “a”) in this sentence?
Russian does not use articles. Nouns appear without a word equivalent to English “the” or “a,” so книги simply means “books” in a general sense.
Is the word order in this sentence similar to English, and how flexible is it?
Yes, the sentence follows a subject-verb-object (SVO) order, similar to English. Although Russian allows for flexible word order due to its rich case system, using the standard SVO structure helps maintain clarity in neutral, unmarked sentences like this one.