Eu caminho na cidade todos os dias.

Eu caminho na cidade todos os dias.
I walk in the city every day.
Part of speech

Breakdown of Eu caminho na cidade todos os dias.

to walk
a cidade
the city
todos os dias
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Questions & Answers about Eu caminho na cidade todos os dias.

How do I pronounce caminho?
Caminho is pronounced something like kah-MEE-nyo in Brazilian Portuguese. The nh sounds similar to the ni in the English word onion, but just a bit softer.
Why is it na cidade instead of em cidade?
Na is a contraction of em + a, so em (in/at) + a (the, feminine) becomes na. We use this form when referring to a feminine noun like cidade (city).
Would it be correct to say Eu ando na cidade todos os dias instead?
Yes, ando can often be used similarly to caminho, but caminho is more specific to the act of walking, while ando could mean I walk, I go, or I move around. In everyday speech, Brazilians often use andar and caminhar interchangeably when referring to walking.
Can I change the word order to Todos os dias eu caminho na cidade?
Absolutely! In Portuguese, you can say Todos os dias eu caminho na cidade or Eu caminho na cidade todos os dias. The meaning remains the same, though placing todos os dias at the front can slightly emphasize the frequency.
How is caminho conjugated in other persons (like você, ele, nós, etc.)?

Caminhar is regular, so its present tense conjugations are:
eu caminho (I walk)
você/ele/ela caminha (you/he/she walks)
nós caminhamos (we walk)
vocês/eles/elas caminham (you all/they walk)
These follow the standard pattern for -ar verbs in Portuguese.

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