Breakdown of Nós precisamos praticar português todos os dias.
to need
to practice
todos os dias
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Questions & Answers about Nós precisamos praticar português todos os dias.
Why do we use Nós precisamos at the start instead of just Precisamos?
In Portuguese, pronouns like nós (we) are often optional because the verb ending can indicate the subject. However, adding nós can provide clarity or emphasis. In more casual speech, many Brazilians might simply say Precisamos praticar português todos os dias without the pronoun.
Why is português written without a capital letter even though it’s the name of a language?
In Portuguese, names of languages are not capitalized (e.g., português, inglês) unless they are at the very beginning of a sentence or part of a proper name. This is a difference from English, where language names are always capitalized (English, Portuguese, etc.).
Can precisar be followed by de plus a noun phrase?
Yes. If what follows precisar is a noun, you typically need de (e.g., Nós precisamos de ajuda – “We need help”). However, when using precisar directly before a verb, you normally omit de (e.g., Nós precisamos praticar).
Is there any difference between Nós precisamos praticar and Temos que praticar?
They are both commonly used to express the idea of “We need to practice” or “We have to practice.” Precisamos (from precisar) emphasizes “need,” whereas Temos que (from ter que) can have a slightly stronger sense of obligation or necessity, akin to “must” or “have to” in English. In everyday use, many speakers use them almost interchangeably.
Why do we say praticar português instead of praticar o português?
In Portuguese, when talking about practicing or speaking a language in a general sense, the article (o, a) is often dropped: Estudo português, Falo inglês, Precisamos praticar português. However, if you’re referring to something more specific or referencing particular aspects of the language, you might use the article. For general statements, it’s correct and very common to omit it.
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