Io e mio fratello portiamo lo stesso zaino.

Io e mio fratello portiamo lo stesso zaino.
My brother and I carry the same backpack.
Part of speech

Breakdown of Io e mio fratello portiamo lo stesso zaino.

il fratello
the brother
lo zaino
the backpack
to carry is an online learning platform
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Questions & Answers about Io e mio fratello portiamo lo stesso zaino.

Why is it Io e mio fratello rather than something like Mio fratello e io?
In Italian, it’s common to place io before another subject when we speak about ourselves and someone else, although both orders (Io e mio fratello / Mio fratello e io) are grammatically correct. There isn’t a strict rule as in English about which goes first, so it often comes down to personal preference or style.
Why do we say portiamo? Doesn’t portare usually mean to bring something?
Portare can mean both to bring and to wear/carry in Italian. In the sentence Io e mio fratello portiamo lo stesso zaino, it implies that both of you have or use the same backpack. In some contexts, portare can also mean to wear (e.g., portare un cappelloto wear a hat).
What does lo stesso zaino literally mean, and why do we use lo here?
Lo stesso zaino literally means the same backpack. The article lo is used because zaino starts with a z, and in Italian we use lo before masculine nouns beginning with z, s + consonant, pn, ps, or gn. For example, lo zio (the uncle), lo psicologo (the psychologist).
Why not say indossiamo instead of portiamo if we mean wear?
Indossare is used more specifically for wearing clothing (e.g., indossare una magliettato wear a T-shirt). Portare, on the other hand, has a similar idea of wearing or carrying something on you, but can also mean to bring something somewhere. In the context of a backpack, both portare and indossare could be acceptable, but portare is more common.
Could we just use Noi as the subject instead of Io e mio fratello?
Yes, you could say Noi portiamo lo stesso zaino, and it would still mean We carry the same backpack. However, Io e mio fratello is more specific, emphasizing exactly who we refers to. It’s just a matter of clarity and style.

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