Question | Answer |
yo | I |
estar | to be |
feliz | happy |
Yo estoy feliz. | I am happy. |
tú | you |
Tú estás feliz. | You are happy. |
tener | to have |
una | an |
manzana | apple |
Yo tengo una manzana. | I have an apple. |
Tú tienes una manzana. | You have an apple. |
ver | to see |
un | a |
gato | cat |
Yo veo un gato. | I see a cat. |
el | the |
ser | to be |
pequeño | small |
El gato es pequeño. | The cat is small. |
perro | dog |
Yo tengo un perro. | I have a dog. |
correr | to run |
rápido | fast |
Yo corro rápido. | I run fast. |
El perro corre rápido. | The dog runs fast. |
leer | to read |
libro | book |
Tú lees un libro. | You read a book. |
Yo leo un libro. | I read a book. |
rojo | red |
El libro es rojo. | The book is red. |
esta | this |
mi | my |
casa | house |
Esta es mi casa. | This is my house. |
gustar | to like |
Me gusta mi casa. | I like my house. |
manejar | to drive |
carro | car |
Tú manejas un carro. | You drive a car. |
Yo manejo un carro. | I drive a car. |
azul | blue |
El carro es azul. | The car is blue. |
amigo | friend |
Mi amigo maneja un carro azul. | My friend drives a blue car. |
aquí | here |
Yo corro aquí. | I run here. |
Mi amigo está aquí. | My friend is here. |
amable | kind |
Tú eres amable. | You are kind. |
Mi amigo es amable. | My friend is kind. |
la | the |
mesa | table |
marrón | brown |
La mesa es marrón. | The table is brown. |
caminar | to walk |
a | to |
escuela | school |
Yo camino a la escuela. | I walk to school. |
parque | park |
Yo corro al parque. | I run to the park. |
Tú caminas al parque. | You walk to the park. |
en | at |
Tú corres en la escuela. | You run at school. |
beber | to drink |
agua | water |
Yo bebo agua. | I drink water. |
Tú bebes agua. | You drink water. |
comer | to eat |
comida | food |
Yo como comida. | I eat food. |
Tú comes comida. | You eat food. |
profesor | teacher |
El profesor está en la escuela. | The teacher is at school. |
sonreír | to smile |
Yo sonrío. | I smile. |
Mi profesor sonríe. | My teacher smiles. |
amable | nice |
El perro es amable. | The dog is nice. |
El profesor es amable. | The teacher is nice. |
estudiante | student |
Yo soy un estudiante. | I am a student. |
Tú eres un estudiante. | You are a student. |
sol | sun |
brillante | bright |
Mi amigo es brillante. | My friend is bright. |
El sol es brillante. | The sun is bright. |
Yo veo el sol. | I see the sun. |
luna | moon |
redondo | round |
La manzana es redonda. | The apple is round. |
La luna es redonda. | The moon is round. |
mirar | to look at |
Yo miro la luna. | I look at the moon. |
árbol | tree |
Tú miras el árbol. | You look at the tree. |
Yo veo un árbol. | I see a tree. |
alto | tall |
Mi amigo es alto. | My friend is tall. |
El árbol es alto. | The tree is tall. |
flor | flower |
La flor es roja. | The flower is red. |
oler | to smell |
El gato huele la manzana. | The cat smells the apple. |
Yo huelo la flor. | I smell the flower. |
Mi perro es pequeño. | My dog is small. |
Me gusta comida. | I like food. |
una | a |
Yo veo una mesa. | I see a table. |
Mi perro come comida. | My dog eats food. |
Mi perro es marrón. | My dog is brown. |
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