Bíllinn er svona þægilegur.

Bíllinn er svona þægilegur.
The car is so comfortable.
Part of speech

Breakdown of Bíllinn er svona þægilegur.

to be
the car
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Questions & Answers about Bíllinn er svona þægilegur.

Why does the noun bíllinn include the suffix -inn instead of using a separate word for "the"?
In Icelandic, the definite article is attached as a suffix to the noun. Bíllinn comes from bíll meaning "car" with -inn appended, so it directly translates to "the car" without a separate word for "the."
What is the role of svona in this sentence?
Svona is an adverb that adds emphasis. It can be understood as "so" in English, intensifying the adjective þægilegur (comfortable) to convey that the car is very comfortable.
Why is the adjective þægilegur not modified with a definite ending even though the subject is definite?
When an adjective follows a linking verb—as in this predicative construction—the adjective stays in its base (nominative) form. Even though bíllinn is definite, þægilegur remains uninflected beyond agreeing in gender (masculine) and number (singular), which is standard in such sentences.
What function does the verb er serve in this sentence?
Er is the copula, meaning it functions as the linking verb. It connects the subject bíllinn with the predicate adjective þægilegur, similar to how “is” links the subject and complement in English.
Is the word order in Bíllinn er svona þægilegur typical for both Icelandic and English?
Yes, it is. The sentence follows the common subject–verb–adjective/adverb order found in simple declarative sentences in both languages. Bíllinn is the subject, er is the verb, and svona þægilegur serves as the descriptive predicate.
How would I form a negative version of the sentence, for example, "The car is not so comfortable"?
To create the negative, insert ekki (meaning "not") after the verb. The negative sentence becomes: Bíllinn er ekki svona þægilegur. This construction follows the standard placement of ekki in Icelandic.

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