Bíllinn er heitur.

Breakdown of Bíllinn er heitur.

to be
the car
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Questions & Answers about Bíllinn er heitur.

What does Bíllinn mean in this sentence?
Bíllinn means "the car." The base noun is bíll (meaning car), and the definite article is expressed by adding the suffix -inn.
What role does er play in the sentence?
Er is the third-person singular present form of the verb vera (to be). In this sentence, it functions as the linking verb and translates to "is."
How does the adjective heitur agree with the noun bíllinn?
The adjective heitur is in the masculine nominative singular form. It agrees with bíllinn by matching its gender (masculine), number (singular), and case (nominative) as required by Icelandic grammar.
Why is the definite article attached as a suffix in bíllinn rather than being a separate word?
Unlike English, in Icelandic the definite article is typically added as an ending to the noun. Thus, bíll becomes bíllinn to express "the car."
Is the sentence structure of Bíllinn er heitur similar to that in English?
Yes, it follows a similar Subject-Verb-Predicate Adjective order as in English. The sentence directly translates to "The car is hot," although Icelandic uses inflection and suffixes to convey grammatical details that English expresses with separate words.

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