Breakdown of Grâce à son attitude courageuse, Paul parvient à tenir ses promesses et rester patient.
to remain
grâce à
thanks to
the attitude
parvenir à
to manage
to keep
la promesse
the promise
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Questions & Answers about Grâce à son attitude courageuse, Paul parvient à tenir ses promesses et rester patient.
What does grâce à mean in this sentence and why is it used?
Grâce à translates to “thanks to” and is used to indicate a positive cause. In the sentence, it shows that Paul’s ability to keep his promises and remain patient is due to his courageous attitude.
What is the meaning of parvient and how is it conjugated?
Parvient is the third person singular form of the verb parvenir, which means “to succeed” or “to manage to.” Here, it indicates that Paul manages to keep his promises and remain patient, despite challenges.
Why are tenir and rester in the infinitive form after parvient à?
In French, the construction parvenir à must be followed by an infinitive. Both tenir (to keep) and rester (to remain) appear in the base form because they are the actions that Paul manages to accomplish, linked by the preposition à.
What role does the phrase son attitude courageuse play in the sentence?
The phrase son attitude courageuse explains the cause behind Paul’s success. It functions as the reason for his ability to fulfill his promises and stay patient, emphasizing that his courageous approach is effective.
How does tenir ses promesses compare to the English expression “keeping one’s promises”?
Tenir ses promesses is directly equivalent to “keeping one’s promises.” It emphasizes that someone is true to their word and follows through on commitments.
Why is there a comma after attitude courageuse?
The comma after attitude courageuse separates the introductory clause (Grâce à son attitude courageuse) from the main clause. This punctuation clarifies that the phrase sets up the context, indicating that Paul’s actions result from his courageous attitude.
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