Lis lentement le texte pour ne rien oublier.

Lis lentement le texte pour ne rien oublier.
Read the text slowly so as not to forget anything.
Part of speech

Breakdown of Lis lentement le texte pour ne rien oublier.

to read
le texte
the text
pour ne ... pas
so as not to
to forget is an online learning platform
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Questions & Answers about Lis lentement le texte pour ne rien oublier.

Why does the sentence start with Lis instead of Lisez?
Lis is the second-person singular form of the imperative in French. You use it when speaking to one person in an informal or familiar context. Lisez, on the other hand, would be used for a group of people or in a more formal setting.
What role does lentement play here?
Lentement is an adverb meaning slowly. Its role is to describe how the action of reading should be done. Adverbs in French typically modify verbs and often come right after the verb they modify, though you can sometimes move them around for emphasis.
Why do we have pour ne rien oublier instead of pour ne pas oublier?
Pour ne rien oublier literally translates to in order to forget nothing. It emphasizes that you don’t want to forget anything at all, whereas pour ne pas oublier just means in order not to forget in a more general sense. Using rien also fits nicely with the idea of reading slowly so that absolutely nothing is missed.
Is it possible to say Lis le texte lentement instead?
Yes, you can say Lis le texte lentement, and the sentence would still be grammatically correct and preserve the meaning. However, Lis lentement le texte might guide the speaker’s focus more to the manner of reading (lentement) before mentioning what is being read (le texte).
Does the word rien always replace anything in negative sentences in French?
Not exactly. Rien means nothing (or anything in certain negative contexts). It is used in negative constructions with ne. Other words can serve different functions (like personne for no one, jamais for never, etc.). The choice depends on what is being negated (objects, people, frequency, etc.).

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