Jeg viser idéen for min ven.
I show the idea to my friend.
Part of speech
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Questions & Answers about Jeg viser idéen for min ven.
What is the function of the definite article in “idéen”?
In Danish, nouns form their definite version by adding a suffix. Here, idé becomes idéen by attaching -en, which marks the noun as definite—indicating that it refers to a specific idea known in context.
What does the verb “viser” mean, and why is it conjugated as shown?
Viser is the present tense form of the verb at vise (“to show”). It is conjugated for the first person singular (“jeg” means “I”), so the sentence means “I show…” or “I am showing…”, matching the subject in number and person.
Why is the preposition “for” used before “min ven” instead of another preposition like “til”?
In Danish, when using the verb at vise with a full noun phrase to indicate the recipient, the preposition for is commonly used. It marks min ven (“my friend”) as the beneficiary of the action. Although some verbs or constructions might allow til, in this context for is the conventional choice.
How does the word order in “Jeg viser idéen for min ven” compare to English?
The sentence follows a Subject-Verb-Object order, similar to English. Jeg is the subject (“I”), viser is the verb (“show”), idéen is the direct object (“the idea”), and for min ven is a prepositional phrase indicating to whom the idea is being shown (“to my friend”).
What role does the possessive “min” play in the phrase “min ven”?
Min is a possessive pronoun meaning “my.” It modifies ven (“friend”) to show ownership or a close association. In Danish, the form min is used for common gender singular nouns, ensuring agreement between the pronoun and the noun.
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