to stand
Part of speech
Usages of stehen
to get up
Oooh here I opened a can of worms... aufstehen is a combination of two words glued together. Germans like glueing words together. We even have special word glueing games. But I leave that for later :D
What is glued however can also be 'unglued ' again....
Let's look at our example
aufstehen = auf (up) + stehen (to stand).
Together it means: to get up / to stand up
if we use it together with a second verb, nothing bad happens
I want to aufstehen
I have to aufstehen
I dream of aufstehen
But -here comes the tricky part- when we use aufstehen alone, it splits up and you ll never know where the different bits go in the sentence (I know of course :D)
I get up - Ich stehe auf.
I get up in the morning: Morgens stehe ich auf. or Ich stehe morgens auf.
Ich stehe allein auf.
I am getting up alone.
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