du is informal, so don't use it with strangers, except if they are children. You might use it if your friend brings his buddies along, but generally we tend to first offer someone the right to use du with us.Usages of du
Wie heisst du?
What's your name?
We tend to ask How is your name? rather than What is your name?
Heisst du Peter?
Is your name Peter?
Du bist
You are
if you turn the two words around you ll get a question
Bist du...?
Du bist müde.
You are tired.
Bist du müde?
Are you tired?
Bist du aufgeregt?
Are you excited?
du ißt
you eat
Remember: ss in 1 syllable = ß >ißt
ss in 2 syllables = ss > es-se
ss in 2 syllables = ss > es-se
Ich esse Brot und Käse.
Ich esse zuhause.
Ich esse abends.
Ich esse, weil ich Hunger habe.
Was ißt du?
Was machst du?
What are you doing?
Was machst du heute?
What are you doing today?
Ich habe das gleiche Telefon wie du.
I have the same phone as you. The phone is of the same brand
Siehst du das große Auto?
Do you see the big car?
Siehst du mich?
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