Die Geschichte des kleinen Mannes - Teil 7

the street
die Straße
in the street
auf der Straße
Yes, this is not a typo.

We say 'on the street' and not 'in the street'

At least we do so when we talk about the street in general.

Auf der Straße sind viele Leute. (There are a lot of people in the street.)

Ich bin auf der Straße. (I am

in the street.)

However when we specify a street, e.g. by giving the street name, we use in

in der Friedrichstraße

Be careful with wohnen (to live (in a place)/reside

Always use 'in'

Ich wohne in der Friedrichstraße. - (I live in Friedrich street.)

Ich wohne auf der Friedrichstraße. (I am a homeless person staying in Friedrich street.

'auf der Straße wohnen' - means to literally live on top of the street.

thinking of it ... I would also not 'auf der Straße essen' :D

the people
die Leute
same as the word for 'she' but distinguished from it buy the plural verbform it takes.

Sie ist groß. - She is tall.

Sie sind groß. - They are tall.

a lot
with uncountable words

viel Kaffee - a lot of coffee

with countable words it takes the plural form viele

viele Leute - a lot of people

Some words can take either depending on how we look at them.

Viel Pizza - a lot of pizza. (e.g. We ate already, but if you want, there is a lot of pizza left...)

Viele Pizzas - many pizzas. (e.g. You ordered many pizzas, I can count at least five...)

Viel Brot - a lot of bread

Viele Brote - many loaves of bread


ich bin - I am

du bist - you are

er / sie / es ist - he /she /it is

sie sind - they are

There are many people in the street.
Auf der Straße sind viele Leute.
the people/ human beings
die Menschen

The words Menschen and Leute are almost synonymous.

die Leute is more casual and more frequently used. It describes the people around you, society, neighbours, people in the street, people in general... it could translate as folks, guys... it occurs in expressions as ' What will the people think', 'the rich people' , 'the posh people', 'the people want more money' 'the people are wondering what is coming next', 'the people are waiting'...

Menschen refers to human beings. A doctor should not talk about 'Leute'. In general when talking about sick people we would choose 'Menschen'. It is used when opposing man to animals, when talking of the exploits of mankind (the first men to travel to Mars ), when pointing out the weaknesses of men (Sie sind auch nur Menschen. - They also are only human beings /don't expect of them what they cannot do), when talking of disasters or wars were men are afflicted, when outlining that somebody behaves nicely/ is helpful (Endlich mal ein Mensch. - Finally a human being)

Also 'Menschen'is the only of the two words with has a singular form.

der Mensch - the person

the quantity/the amount /the multitude /the crowd
die Menge

eine Menge - a lot of

eine Menge Menschen - a lot of people

die Menschenmenge - the crowd (of people)

you could use 'die Menge' alone for 'the crowd' but only if you had already established the picture of many people being crowded in one place in the mind of your audience.

die Wassermenge - the quantity/amount of water

die Mengenangabe - (the notation of) the quantity

the crowd (of people)
die Menschenmenge
to push oneself (through a crowd)
sich drängen
through + accusative
through the crowd
durch die Menschenmenge
The little man pushes his way through the crowd.
Der kleine Mann drängt sich durch die Menschenmenge.
to be allowed to
he is not allowed to (+infinitive)
er darf nicht

er darf nicht essen - he is not allowed to eat

er darf nicht reden - he is not allowed to speak

er darf nicht nachhause gehen - he is not allowed to go home

too late
zu spät
to be late (lit. to come late)
zu spät kommen
He mustn't be late.
Er darf nicht zu spät kommen.
He mustn't be late for work.
Er darf nicht zu spät zur Arbeit kommen.
auf einmal
to stop / to remain standing
= stehen bleiben
he stops
er bleibt stehen
Suddenly he stops.
Auf einmal bleibt er stehen.
to believe

an etwas glauben - to believe in sthg

an Gott glauben - to believe in God

glauben etwas zu sehen - to believe to see sthg.

He believes to see the beautiful woman.
Er glaubt, die schöne Frau zu sehen.
It was her, wasn't it?
Das war sie doch, oder?
someone else
jemand anders
No, that was someone else.
Nein, das war jemand anders.
a different woman / another woman
eine andere Frau
No, that was another woman.
Nein, das war eine andere Frau.
A pity.
to hurry
sich beeilen
to have to
he has to
er muß
he has to hurry
er muß sich beeilen

ich muß mich beeilen - I have to hurry

du mußt dich beeilen -you have to hurry

er muß sich beeilen - he has to hurry

Now he really has to hurry.
Jetzt muß er sich wirklich beeilen.
otherwise he will be late
sonst kommt er zu spät
