German 19 - Combo Game Level 2

the soup meatdas Suppenfleisch
meat destined for meat broth
the orange juiceder Orangensaft
the spoonder Löffel
the soup spoonder Suppenlöffel

a big spoon

There is a synonym which is used more often, especially for measuring:

der Eßlöffel

Did you notice the beginning of the verb essen in there? We ll get to this form later...

the tomato juiceder Tomatensaft
the plateder Teller
the soup plateder Suppenteller
the tableder Tisch
the canteen tableder Kantinentisch
the family mealdas Familienessen
the turnip; the beetdie Rübe
the carrotdie Mohrrübe
the carrot soupdie Mohrrübensuppe
Did you notice that this is actually a combo of three words?

The word 'Mohrrübe' is already a combined word from 'Mohr' (negro -refering to a black spot in the flower of the carrot plant) and Rübe (beet root)

You don't have to remember those words. This was merely to point out that you can combine an infinite number of words.

the spoon for eating carrot soupder Mohrrübensuppenlöffel
Not that we Germans have particular spoons for carrot soup... but at least we can talk about them :D
the plate for the onion soupder Zwiebelsuppenteller
to tell; to narrateerzählen
I tell a story.Ich erzähle eine Geschichte.
the narratorder Erzähler
the storytellerder Geschichtenerzähler
